After Vinnie had his morning 'cares' (sponge bath, nappy change etc) his nurse then set up to change Vinnie from the ventilator to CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - Oxygen). It was actually a very straight forward procedure and I was able to assist by lending an extra set of hands. He has been doing really well on CPAP since yesterday and is currently sitting on between 26-30% oxygen (21% is what you and I breathe in, therefore the goal for young Vinnie). Most preterm babies of Vinnie's age will spend 1-2 weeks on CPAP before they are ready to breathe on their own. Some babies will stay on CPAP until almost full term.
His nurse told me today that when the doctors were making their rounds this morning they were very pleased with his progress on CPAP/in general and referred to him as the 'star of the ward'. Good little man!
Today I was at the hospital from around 9am-4pm so got some quality time in with the little guy. We even had some extra long Kanga cuddles - almost 3 hours today. Now that he no longer has the long ventilator tube going through his vocal cords we can hear him when he cries (as opposed to the silent screams he was doing before). He was a bit grizzly a few times today (doesn't like 'care time' and having his nappy changed) but the nurse assured me that this is a good thing; they start to worry when babies are lethargic and don't make any noise at all. Cam arrived this afternoon in time for another nappy change (he cried for Dad too).
So, Vinnie is doing well and we are happy. I am also on the mend and getting a little more mobile (although moving very slowly still!). Cam is super busy with the house alterations/work/hospital visits/looking after the invalid! Speaking of which... I smell my dinner, better dash :-)
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