Vinnie is doing well and has finished his course of antibiotics. His line has come out of his arm so one less tube for him to contend with. Unfortunately Mum hasn't been so lucky and am now on my third course of antibiotics for my festering wound that doesn't want to heal. The midwives at ward 96 are probably sick of me poking my head in every few days... "is this infected? can you change my dressing? do I need more stitches?". Anyway, they couldn't ignore the pus today and they thought I warranted a visit from a doctor. Geeze, who thought it would be so hard to see a doctor in a hospital!
Cam and I paid a short trip to Matakana last night to see Mum and Dad and visit our little doggies (who were very pleased to see us!). Mum indulged us with some great home cooking and we practically rolled from the dining table in to bed last night!
Vinnie was weighed today and is currently 1557g - so he has gained over 200g in 2 weeks! He is having a fortifier added to his milk each feed to help him grow... one of the nurses said yesterday that he is going to be a vigorous little boy in no time if he keeps growing at this rate!
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