I am starting to feel like Daisy the milk cow... and a dried up old milking cow too! Pretty soon bubs is going to be needing more milk than I can make. Very, very frustrating. I am now taking every conceivable drug and homeopathic remedy to make the milk come in. I've also been told to chill out and relax (not sure how?) as working myself up about this is not helping.
Oh, and whoever said there was no point crying over spilt milk obviously was not facing my current dilemma. There is every reason to cry when you plunge the damn syringe the wrong way and lose the milk you have been trying so hard to express for the last 10 minutes!
Anyway, that was my pathetic little rant for the day! Vinnie is doing well which is the main thing. Mum is just a tired emotional maniac at the moment. I am going to go listen to some meditation CD's (thank you Jo!) and visualise myself as a big fat dairy cow producing a better yield of milk...
P.S. Vinnie is still on CPAP but had all his tubes taken out for a few moments while he was weighed. Snapped this pic then - isn't he gorgeous? (Cam thinks he looks just like him!)
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