Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 40 Postpartum. New room. New clothes.

There have been a few milestones since the last post. Vinnie was moved to a level 2 room late Monday night (he was in level 3 before which is for the sickest prem babies). The level 2 room that he is in has 3 nurses looking after up to 8 babies (before it was 2 nurses to 4 babies). He has been keeping them busy with his oxygen since the move. They are continually having to adjust his O2 up and down as he is still very labile. Vinnie is doing a lot better than he was a couple weeks ago though and is slowly being weaned off the steroids (probably another 8 days to go). Hopefully he'll come off the CPAP soon after that and move on to high-flow, which is basically two small prongs attached to an oxygen cylinder - far less for the little man to contend with!

Since being moved in to level 2 Vinnie has started wearing clothes! He is not too fond of being dressed though (nor is is fond of being bathed!). He had a huge tantrum this afternoon when I put him in this adorable little outfit. (He is quite cute when he isn't being stroppy.) All the nurses have been exclaiming over his beautiful long eyelashes. One of the nurses today said they were the longest eyelashes she has ever seen on a baby (I tried to take a photo of them for you - iPhone pic quality not great though). Another nurse said to me yesterday "Beautiful long eyelashes. Does he get those from his Dad?". Charming! Yes, clearly they come from Dad as they are nothing like mine. (Why is it that boys gets long eyelashes - so unfair!)

Today was my first day of driving a car again after almost eight weeks. Great to have my independence back - although it has been nice being driven everywhere for a change. To amuse myself this afternoon I browsed some shops in Newmarket and tried a few things on. BIG mistake! What was I thinking? Trying clothes on 5 weeks after having a baby was not a great confidence booster. Did find a t-shirt dress I liked (fashionable sack-like item great for disguising unwanted curves) only to realise - how the hell does one breastfeed in a dress? Think I'll leave that one today! Even the shoes I tried on felt really tight. Do I still have fluid retention or have my feet not shrunk back to my pre-pregnancy size? Be warned ladies - I have heard that this can happen.

On a final note, the results from the immunisation poll are in. The overwhelming majority of us (82%) are pro-immunisation. 9% are against and 9% are undecided fence sitters. So there you have it! Thanks for participating :-)


  1. Love the new outfit Vinnie, so cute ; )

  2. Vinnie you are so clever and look so handsome in your new outfit!! Anna B
