Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 24 Postpartum. Mummy Jackson.

Would you believe it... after bleating on about germs, isolation periods and vaccines on my last entry I then developed a cold! I have been somewhat out of action the last two days and keeping my distance from NICU and Vinnie (hard... very hard). I paid a visit to the doctor yesterday to get her opinion on the severity of my cold and how long I should stay away from Vinnie. Apparently I am not dying and so long as I wear a face mask I should be ok to visit the little guy.

And there I was joking about face masks! I stopped by the hospital with Cam this afternoon for a quick visit and had to wear one. Not very practical when you have a cold and your nose is streaming and you are spluttering all over the place. After overdosing on Vitamin C and lemsips for the last couple of days I am starting to feel somewhat improved.

The weird thing (for me) is that I haven't been sick for years and suddenly I feel like the hospital is my second home and I have this weakened immune system where I am picking up bugs. I haven't had more than a winter sniffle since I first moved to London in 2003 where I came down with a terrible flu complete with fever, body aches and hacking cough. I remember reading somewhere that you have periods of good health/bad health that run in seven year cycles. That means I am about to enter a bad health period for the next seven years. Highly likely considering I now have a baby... every parent I know is always catching things off their kids. I don't know if there is any scientific basis to this theory (Amy?) but I'm running with it anyway...

Vinnie has been doing a lot better the last couple of days. His oxygen has come right down (although still up and down at times) and he continues to gain weight. I think his fingers are looking a bit chubbier. He seems to do a lot better when he is lying on his stomach (in terms of his oxygen) so the consultant has requested that he be kept in the prone position. When we visited him tonight he didn't seem so happy about this decision and was wriggling around trying to get comfortable. He was moving his head from side to side and holding his head up at times. Surely that is not normal? He is only 32 weeks gestation! Help!!

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