Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 27 Postpartum. Buy one get one free!

Vinnie continues to do well and gain weight. In today's pic you can see the little guy on the scales having a tantrum... he really doesn't like being handled by the nurses (probably because they poke him with needles and stick tubes down his nose and throat all day). He is now weighing in at 1850g (4 pounds, 1 ounce) - a 500g increase on his birth weight. Vinnie is still hanging out in his incubator but I am sure he'll graduate to a cot soon now that he is getting big (for a preterm!). His O2 is still up and down but not a cause for concern.

I'm back in to my regular routine of morning hospital visits after having a couple of days at home getting over my cold. I generally arrive at the hospital around 9am and set up for the morning, express some milk, clean Vinnie, get him out for a cuddle (2 hours), feed Vinnie, put him back in the incubator, express more milk, head home, eat lunch, turn on the TV and watch the Ellen (Degeneres) Show (!!!). As you can see, I am very busy.

Until a week ago I had never seen the Ellen show, I was kind of aware that she had one but had never seen it (or any other day time TV for that matter). It is quite hilarious really... she does this really lame dancing on every show, kind of like funny little old man. How sad am I that I now look forward to watching Ellen at 3pm each day? It is being moved to 5pm from Monday and I was really disappointed when I found out as Cam will probably get home when I am watching it and laugh at me and take all the joy out of my new fav show.

On the subject of daytime TV, I have a confession to make... I am considering buying a Zumba exercise DVD! I know, I need professional help. But the promise of toned abdominal muscles by dancing around like a crazy person is too tempting for this new mum looking to shed some baby weight. I've almost been sucked in to another couple of infomercials this week too - somehow I managed to resist the urge to buy the most amazing stain removal product and some machine that was going to solve all my back problems!

By far the worst (yet strangely addictive program) on TV is this British show called Jeremy Kyle. It has some fine examples of English slappers that have mislead men in to thinking they have fathered their children. Jeremy invites them on to the show to have a paternity test and you guessed the rest. Are these people for real?!

I don't know how people stay home and watch this stuff all day! I'm going to go mad if this continues! I want to go back to work! I am sure once Vinnie actually comes home I will feel differently about that last comment (for a little bit anyway). I will be too busy staring at him all day to watch TV... or maybe washing all his cloth nappies as Cam likes to remind me. (I really like to create more work for myself - why else would anyone consider reusables?)

1 comment:

  1. Before you even consider the Zumba DVD, please invest in a Snuggie and a Sham-wow!
