It seems as though Vinnie has learnt a whole lot of new tricks in the last couple of weeks. He is spending a lot more time on his tummy lately and is just starting to push himself up on to his elbows. Apparently this was always going to take him a bit longer as he isn't as strong through his chest due to his lung condition... he is getting there though. He is almost rolling over from back to front; rolls on to his side at the moment. He is also getting a lot more stable in his high chair and is enjoying standing on his feet (naughty naughty... we are doing exactly what the books say not to do!).
Vinnie continues to make progress with both his oxygen and oral feeds. He is currently on a quarter of a litre but we are hoping that he will be reduced to an eighth of a litre of oxygen flow by the end of October. We have been trying him on solids for the last 3-4 weeks and he is slowly starting to show some interest. Yesterday he swallowed about 2 tsp of pureed fruit and then vomited it right back up! He is still gagging a lot but is making progress.
The main challenge lately has been his terrible reflux / projectile vomiting / slow weight gain. For the last week we have had him hooked up to a feeding pump at night which drip feeds large volumes of formula over 12 hours. We have reduced the volume of milk during the daytime and it seems to be helping control his vomiting (or the amount he is vomiting). Hopefully this will only be a temporary measure as we don't like having him hooked up to another machine and mummy and daddy have to get up in the middle of the night to change the milk... back to sleepless nights. But if it means Vinnie is gaining weight it is all worth it.
Vinnie has been squealing with delight lately and laughing like a loon. He is such a happy, contented little guy and sleeps like a little angel at night. He really is a perfect little baby. (Apart from the whole prem thing. That was very, very naughty.)
Now that the weather has warmed up and Vinnie is doing better we have started venturing out a lot more. Initially it would take me ages to get out of the house as the checklist I am working through is slightly longer than: nappies, milk, clothes, toys etc. Add: oxygen cylinder, extra nasal prongs, leads, tape, NG tube, syringes etc. But I have it down to an almost fine art now and it is only taking a good 15 minutes to get out the door. (I have always been a bit on the tardy side and now I don't have a hope in hell!)
Aside from the occasional outing to improve my feelings of sanity I have also started making a weekly appearance at work. Grandad ('Bren') has been lending a helping hand with Vinnie each week to make this happen. Dad is amazing with kids and it is great that they get some bonding time each week... sorry Dad, hope I haven't just publicly ruined your 'tough guy' image. It is true that even the most macho men are big marshmallows when it comes to Grandchildren and he is no exception!