I am really wondering why the bloody hell I bought the damn things. It would seem I like making a tonne of work for myself, because lets face it, I ain't no tree hugger. It might have had something to do with the little bird in my ear? The little bird is not going to appreciate me saying this as she already thinks I give her a public slating on this blog, but oh, what the hell.... that little bird would be my mother (wonderful, amazing mother!) who for many years has rabbited on at me about how revolting disposable nappies are and oh my god, don't even get her started on jarred baby food! It would seem parents these days are all so lazy... so of course I wasn't going to be one of those!
I don't know why I chose to start listening to my mum all of a sudden... and over something as demented as nappies...
One of the nurses at NICU had small children and was an advocate of cloth nappies. She told me she felt virtuous every time she changed a nappy. Hmmm... so far just feeling a tad resentful.
A few people have told me to shelve them and just use the disposables. However, I'm far too stubborn for that and determined to use them now that I have invested in them. Getting Cam to use them has been a little more challenging. We are not being complete eco warriors and are still using disposables at night... a bit of a compromise.
Nappies aside, Vinnie has been doing well this last week (5 months old on Wednesday, 2 1/2 months corrected age). Still trying hard to get him in to some sort of routine, other than the current 'baby-led' routine. Failing miserably on that front. Already Cam and I are forming some very bad parenting habits with Vinnie... rocking him to sleep in the lazyboy and letting him stay up at night with us (help - all the baby books say bed by 7pm... but he won't sleep and we are too soft!). He is going to be one spoilt little monkey....